Getting things done is addictive
How good does it feel to check things off your to-do list?
Lately I’ve become addicted to creating and then checking things off various lists. I make little sticky notes on my computer, I write notes on my phone, I use my travel notebook and scribble things in it. I’ve also become obsessed with de-cluttering and the organising guru Marie Kondo. That’s another story though..
I keep my to-dos in short bullet-point form but sometimes I use longer sentences if I think I need to explain myself a little better (to myself…is that weird?)

Does anyone else also feel accomplished after ticking off a long list of to-dos?
At the end of my workday I usually take a look at all of my lists and tick the things off or delete the points that I took care of. It’s such a satisfying feeling to make my list shrink. It’s also a good tool to keep track of my productivity.
Most of all I like to keep lists to stay on top of things. As a freelancer there’s so many different aspects to take care of:
- Administration & email
- Daily jobs and on-going projects
- Prospecting for new clients/projects
- Invoicing
- Creative writing/blog
- Social media
- Non-work related errands
Next to my to-do lists I’m also using a calendar to block time for each of those items mentioned before so I don’t loose myself too much in one area and neglect all other things that need to be taken care of.
I’ve been freelancing for a while now (7 years) and it has taken me a while to find a way to consistently stay on top of things. As I’m writing this, I’m actually thinking to myself: “Hey, smarty pants! This actually doesn’t even sound that organised!”
To-do lists on my computer, my phone and a notebook? Is that really necessary? Nope. In tune with my quest for a minimalist lifestyle I might streamline this awesome simple tool even more and get myself one of those daily planners/journals to tackle my to-do list in style.
Of course, there are also online to-do list apps like Wunderlist, Todoist or others to help you keep track of your busy life but I think I’ll stick to the old school one…
For now.
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[…] Once it’s penciled in, I’m able to give it the same importance as other work I need to do, and then it’s just a matter of sticking to my schedule. […]
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